Building Future Leaders Post Covid-19

May 20, 2020

Creative Zone conducted an important session on how leadership should be changing in these tumulus times that the pandemic has enforced on the world. The disruptions have created a need for a holistic transformation in leadership patterns, as companies will depend on its heads to revive the paused structures, mend the supply chain, restore the product line and be the guiding force for their teams.
The Panel included of Edward Matti, Managing Partner, CCM Consultancy, Reg Athwal, Founder, Chairman & Managing Director of RTS Global Partners, Tanya Lesley, High-Performance Coach and the session was moderated by Lorenzo Jooris, CEO, Creative Zone.

The panellists directed their discussions on how to enhance leadership style as this isolation period has completely altered the corporate culture and its structural formations. The session pointed out that this surplus time has helped bring past glitches to the surface and should be used as an opportunity to fix past flaws and strengthen foundations.

The webinar began by Reg explaining his view of the ‘New Normal’, he believed that the basic business structure has remained the same, people are doing business in the similar way, the operating methods are the same, the nature of work remains same as well. The only difference is that now reality is setting in and people are reflecting on their strategies, figuring out whether a particular course of action was the best for them and planning how to deal with things as they move forward. So yes, there have been setbacks in many businesses but it is also allowing people to reflect on their decisions and choices for which there was no time previously.

Tanya Lesley, who advises vast organisations and several SMEs on the best practices to increase productivity, opined that Communication has changed in a major way. There is a global call for leaders to navigate their organisations or teams in this period of crisis. According to her, “giving a positive mindset to their employees is the foremost factor that will help professionals in maintaining productivity and stability. It is a leaders responsibility to teach them how to think better, challenge them in positive ways and engage them. Crucial questions need to be asked like are they being the correct role model, because as they say we believe the message if we believe the messenger, are they being visible and can be approached easily”? The heads have to give their employees a sense of purpose and ensure they feel belonged. As this time has evoked a lot of anxiety and stress especially in working professionals.

Edward very sharply observed that corporates are now stressing on developing a ‘Value Culture’ instead of previously focusing just on targets, Sales and deadlines. Companies’ messaging has been amended to make them sound more humane and concerned which is a good change in the Corporate Culture. Companies are more focused on increasing engagement level with employees, customers and making sure they are emerging as a company that cares of their employees and provides them with a strong sense of community.

The webinar was then opened for a Q&A session, that addressed several pressing and critical questions about finances, administering cash-flow and managing teams.

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